Sunday, February 24, 2008

dogs - definitely not MY best friend.....

about 2 yrs back..... I had gone to a friend's house.... and one thing I always ask people when I'm going to their house for the 1st time... is "do u have a dog?"!! :) and so.... I went to this friend's place... and when I enter the hall I see this FRRRREEEAAAKKKIN HUGE Great Dane... Black... and about 5ft plus long... and definitely heavier than me....

and my friend says "Don't be scared... it is just a BABY"!!! while I was almost peeing in my pants...

DOGS - somehow I can't like them.... right from childhood... and people who've got pets fail to realise that when I tell them... they think i'm 'being stupid' when I ask them to take away their dog... hellloooooo!!! EXCUSE ME!! when people can be scared of creepy crawly creatures like cockroaches, lizards.. and even things like 'darkness'... why not dogs?!

many years back... think i was 12 or 13... i was walking at around 7pm in my street... this lady was takin her Alsatian for a walk... n' it suddenly starts running towards me... makin funny noises!!! :O i FREAKED out... ran into some house and closed the gate.... :P

again.... during my 12th std.... i used to go for these early morn classes at 5:30.... when i get out of my house gate at 5:15am... atleast 5 stray dogs would come behind me... barking.... :-| so what i did?! - i used to pick up a few stones before i left home... :P and just throw them on the ground when the dogs neared me!! :)

and even now... for the past 4 yrs... when i go to buy puffs from my hostel store... a bunch of dogs keep following me... hopin u'd give them some!!! i'm sooo scared... that i put the puffs in a plastic cover... keep it in my pocket... and open them and eat it inside hostel! :)

now to all Dog lovers - I DON'T HATE dogs!! I aint 'insensitive' or anythin... i also do find puppies cute n' stuff... its just that I don't say it the way you girls do "its soooooo Cuuuuuttee"!!! :P I'm just not for the concept of considering it "Man's best friend"!!!

I just like "seeing" them and commenting.... either on the road... at the zoo or some1's house... or on Animal Planet.... :) NOOO WAY I'll go and HUG it n' kiss it n' allow it to lick me n' stuff!!

and about maintaining it.... i feel its such a menace!! if at all I'm gonna be cleaning some1 else's shit... it would only be my kid's... definitely not a dog's!!

I'm Sorry... but I'm DEFINITELY not 'for' "inter-species" relationships....

Love THY species!!! :)


- said...

u chekd my profile in orkut n wen i saw back urs i was quite surprised to find lot of similarities between u n me.. even i like to behave pretty dumb.. atleast thats what my friends call me.. and this dog thing is so damn similar to what i do.. i literally run away from them

reslix said...

okay, i rarely check back on blogs :p

but this is freaking funny.

oh and one more thing - every post contradicts the other!!

"I'm enormously patient, ghar jamai material" .. umm wtf happened to "I've got OCDS people" , " I'm not pet friendly!"

You're good with babies? they're the messiest ones around, genius :p