Thursday, January 10, 2008


It was about few months ago, my friend and I were travelling standing in a crowded train engrossed in a discussion about a certain topic. Owing to the noise due to the train and the other passengers, there was a necessity to raise our volume while talking. And when I mentioned the word “SEX” and “PROSTITUTION”, a dozen passengers around me turned and gazed, giving me the look that people would to a criminal being paraded on the streets to the guillotine.
WHY? Why is ‘SEX’ such a taboo in our country? Well the most common reply or justification I come across is “it is against Indian culture…. immoral… un-ethical” and so on. Let me now take you back in time, not just a few decades or centuries, but a few millenniums, to the period of the Mahabharata – the Great Indian Epic. I wish to go into certain aspects of the Mahabharata by citing a few examples, which the society tends to neglect or rather ignore.
What were you taught as a kid by your grandparents about Mahabharata? “Kunti learnt this magical or rather special ‘mantra’ by which she could invoke upon any God of her choice and obtain a child through that God’s grace” Now wait a minute!! This might have been funny and interesting back then when you were 5 or 6 years old. But we all know what it means – Kunti could just call upon any God and have sex with him!!! SIMPLE!! And she just “played around” with Surya (Sun God) and gave birth to Karna. Later, after marrying Pandu, she called upon Yama, Vayu and Indra to give birth to Yudhishtra, Bheema and Arjuna respectively.
Pandu asked Kunti to teach Madri this mantra so that she could also have kids (Pandu’s sons). Madri, after learning it, called upon the ‘Ashwini twins’ – an AWESOME THREESOME it was!! And Nakula and Sahadeva were born!!
“I am the son of Pandu, born of Kunti through the ‘grace’ of Lord Indra” says Arjuna proudly in the Mahabharata – the Great Indian epic. Now, the word ‘grace’ – what does it exactly mean? SEX is the bloody answer!!
During that period, whenever there was a problem in a King’s family and the Queen(s) could not conceive, the solution was “Call Maharishi Veda Vyasa”. Apparently this holy sage could set things right though his ‘grace’!! He, according to me was not only immortal as people say, but also the most potent man in history. He is the biological father of half the people in the Mahabharata, including Pandu, Dhridhrashtra and Vidura.
Have you heard of anyone who takes a vow of celibacy for the sexual desire of his father? Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it?! But BHEESHMA the Great One was bestowed upon by the celestials from heaven for his godly act of giving up his throne and taking a celibacy vow for his father’s sexual desire.
The Pandavas – five brothers who shared the same woman!! they had a deal among themselves that if any of the brothers happened to see another brother in privacy with Draupadi, he would go on a 12 year exile and take a celibacy vow!! Now what does celibacy exactly mean? “sexual abstinence”.
But according to Arjuna, celibacy in this vow just means ‘sexual abstinence from Draupadi’!!
Arjuna once happened to see Yudhistra and Draupadi in privacy, and had to go on the 12 year exile and remain in celibacy for the entire period. Soon after he begins his exile, a woman in a forest approaches Arjuna and tells him “I have come under the spell of Kama deva as soon as I saw you. Let me give myself to you”. And our man here says “I shall remain with you until a son is born of you and then leave”!!! Basically this woman here means “You’re turning me ON! Lets DO IT”!! and during this 12 year exile, where ever Arjuna went, he ventured into similar acts.
And in Indraloka – the kingdom of Indra, there were scores of Apsaras – girls who were dancers cum prostitutes, who took pride in their profession. Urvashi, one of the most beautiful Apsaras, was very upset because she wanted to please Arjuna and he refused.
AMAZING isn’t it?? THIS… THIS was ancient Indian culture dear people!!! I can go on and on citing more examples but I guess it might get too long and boring.
Why is it that now we people talk of ‘culture’ issues when it comes to pre-marital relationships, dating etc.??!! Why has Prostitution become ‘wrong’ or ‘illegal’??!!
THINK!!! Please do not “blindly oppose/condemn” things and give them some thought.